If you tell a great story and nobody hears it, do you (or your marketing) make a sound?
The fact is online content is expanding faster than people can consume it, which means that getting heard is getting harder all the time. Worse yet, research shows that even if you do tell great stories, few people are likely to remember them.
The solution? Get other people to tell your story for you. As this infographic from Sideqik shows, brand ambassadors can not only spread the word about your business but boost your bottom line in the process:
Getting people to act as brand ambassadors pays off in multiple ways. By sharing your content, they can help expand your audience, boost your search rank (as your content appears in more places), and enhance your reputation via their independent endorsement.
In other words, good things happen to those who get others to tell good stories.
Doctor Takeaway
When satisfied patients speak, potential ones listen
Check out the written reviews and video testimonials on RealSelf and it’s clear that, for many patients, the old days of hiding the fact that they’ve had “some work done” are rapidly fading. As the stigma fades, sharing naturally increases, creating a virtuous circle that allows others to gain the confidence that they’re making informed decisions. Encouraging patients to post reviews, engaging with them on social media and keeping in touch with them via blogs and email newsletters are all ways to keep the circle turning and rolling in your direction.