Patients, Practices and the Hidden Benefits of Healthcare Marketing
Maybe it’s the proliferation of those direct-to-consumer (DTC) ads for drugs that people can’t actually purchase — they all end with “Ask your doctor about…” — or the inflated claims of dietary...
View ArticleNew Research: The Surprising Health Benefits of Online Health Forums
Even as the internet enables an exchange of information on a transformative level, online health forums still get the Rodney Dangerfield treatment: They don’t get no respect. That’s unfortunate...
View ArticleSocial Media: Secret Weapon in the Battle against Physician Burnout
Physician burnout: You could say it’s a hot topic these days. From new research on its causes to seminars on how to avoid it, it seems you can’t read your mail or get online without coming across...
View ArticleFacebook Posts Falling Flat? It’s not You, It’s Facebook
If you’ve ever wondered how many people see the updates you post to your Facebook practice page, the answer is probably “less than ever.” “Organic reach,” the term for the visibility of posts that...
View ArticleResponding to Negative Reviews, Revisited: 5 Ways to Avoid Bad Publicity
As noted in last week’s post, filing a lawsuit over a negative review — either to silence an unhappy patient or to pursue damages for defamation — is rarely a good idea. Costly, difficult to prosecute...
View ArticleResponding to Negative Reviews III: Sometimes the Best Response Is to Change...
Let’s face it. Having done your best to help a patient, you have every right to be dismayed when you discover they’ve posted a scathing online review. As previous posts have noted, there are...
View ArticleHIPAA @ 20: Staying Compliant while Using Social Media
It’s a dilemma for anyone hoping to engage with patients in today’s always-on, always-connected culture. On the one hand, you have HIPAA, the 20-year-old statute that’s all about protecting privacy;...
View ArticleHIPAA @ 20, Part II: In a Mobile-first World, You Need to Be Smart about...
You see them almost everywhere you go: People of all ages with their heads down, faces glued to their phones, and playing Pokémon Go. The GPS/camera-based game has been touted as a healthy activity —...
View ArticleAesthetic Marketing 3.0: Giving Patients What They Really Want
What do patients want? Based on the most popular procedures, you could say flatter tummies and larger breasts. That’s true, statistically speaking at least, but it’s not the whole truth. These days,...
View ArticleJourney Mapping Helps Lead Patients to your Practice Door
Maps. They’re not just for helping patients get to your practice anymore. These days, successful practices use a different sort of map to figure out where potential patients are on their aesthetic...
View ArticleStruggling with Social Media? Why so many Small Businesses Get It Wrong
By now, almost every successful business owner understands the importance of maintaining a social media presence. Unfortunately, many may still be struggling to get it right: Consider some of the...
View ArticleInfographic Friday: So Much Content, So Little Time, and How to Alter the...
Call it the content conundrum: Thanks to the internet, potential patients have access to a massive amount of information when researching procedures and providers — which means that practices that hope...
View ArticleGag Clauses Begone: Best Practices When Dealing with Negative Reviews
In an era of unprecedented government gridlock, a hint of bipartisanship has emerged from a surprising arena: online reviews. Recently passed by the U.S. Senate — unanimously, no less — the...
View ArticleWant to Rank Well in Search? Send the Right Signals
Funny thing about Google: The search giant can find just about any website on the internet but if it “thinks” that you won’t like what it finds, it won’t show you. Page 1 or 100, search rank is all...
View ArticlePlaying to Win: Gain the Aesthetic Advantage with Competitive Analysis
If you’ve been in practice for any length of time, you’ve no doubt heard the old saying that healing is an art, medicine is a science, and healthcare is a business. If so, it’s also probably true that...
View ArticleE-patients and How to Engage Them: 4 Steps to Success with Today’s Online...
The name Dave deBronkart may not be familiar, but if you’ve been in practice at any point over the last decade, you’ve almost certainly been impacted by his experience. In January 2007, a routine...
View ArticleE-patients, Part III: 3 Ways to Turn Good Outcomes Into Great Relationships
There’s been a lot of talk lately about the “decision journey” patients take as they determine what cosmetic procedure they want and which doctor they want to perform it. Not surprisingly, the...
View ArticleWho You Gonna Trust? The Ins and Outs of Influencer Marketing
Photo credit: YouTube/Kendall and Kylie It probably sounded like a good idea at the time. Hoping to “join the conversation” and demonstrate its social awareness, Pepsi created an ad in which reality...
View Article3 Tips to Turn Today’s Plastic Surgery Shopper Into Tomorrow’s Patient
The average plastic surgery consumer may not be a shop until you drop type, but she/he is definitely shopping around. In fact, most people now start their search online to browse, get ideas, and...
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